A short history of integrated Pest Management and Fall Armyworm in New Zealand

El próximo viernes 21 de febrero a las 15 h en la sala de seminarios del Instituto (Pasaje Gutiérrez 1415 -1er piso) se llevará a cabo el primer Coloquio del INIBIOMA, edición 2025.  En esta oportunidad, el encuentro estará a cargo de Asha Chhagan y Gonzalo Avila.

Asha Chhagan (Scientist)

Compartimos información del coloquio de cada disertante-


Título:  A short history of integrated Pest Management and Fall Armyworm in New Zealand
Disertante: Asha Chhagan (Scientist)
Resumen:This presentation will provide a brief history on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in New Zealand, with a focus on key insect pests. Asha will also discuss Fall armyworm (FAW) in New Zealand from its initial detection in 2022 to its current distribution, and the current management options available to New Zealand growers.


Título:  Pre-emptive biological control – a new tool to maximize preparedness against high-risk biosecurity threats
Disertante: Gonzalo Avila (Senior Scientist, Science Team Leader)
Resumen: Recent years have seen a substantial increase in invasive insect pests invading countries worldwide. Many of these insect pests are highly polyphagous and are considered serious biosecurity threats to valued plant systems in many countries. Therefore, to help mitigate the impact of invasive insect pests on our crop and native ecosystems, it is crucial to identify future risks and increase our preparation to manage them effectively. This presentation will aim to highlight the importance of pre-emptive biocontrol as a key tool to enhance preparedness against high-risk insect pests.


Los y las esperamos en este espacio que fue creado con la intención de enriquecernos como científicos a través del vínculo personal. Aquí, grupos de investigación del instituto, otros centros de investigación, e invitados/as nacionales e internacionales comparten de manera descontracturada trabajos en curso, proyectos, propuestas y experiencias, brindando una oportunidad para generar interacciones, soluciones e ideas extraordinarias.


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Grupo Organizador de COLOQUIOS